The Closing Of Doors…

RedDoorsParisFranceVampire Community News (VCN) will continue to operate a monthly recap of articles with syndication via Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr through December 31, 2016.  Without the materialization of a MORE CONSISTENT support network it’s unlikely we’ll continue making the daily and monthly postings of vampire community related news and information in 2017.  I (Merticus) have continuously provided this service to the vampire community since 2008 and unfortunately my spare time is increasingly limited due to my professional career expanding on multiple fronts.

In August, the directors of Suscitatio Enterprises, LLC (parent company of VCN, AVA, VEWRS, VDTORS, VVC, etc.) met and discussed our present and future role with respect to the vampire community.  We collectively came to the unanimous decision that unless we’re breaking even on costs to provide websites, resources and other information that the time may have come to officially dissolve our operations.  In terms of the vampire community we believe we have accomplished the goals we set forth beginning in 2006.  It’s my fervent hope that progress is not stifled and that stagnation does not take hold of the community.  How the vampire community evolves has always been and will always be up to you.  Embrace new ideas and newcomers while continually challenging yourself to create and refine your passions!

We’ve no interest in crowdfunding or other revenue driving initiatives (we much prefer simply existing and never having to ask) but based on the level of support we receive between now and December 31st we will evaluate the logistical feasibility (and viability) of appointing vetted and responsible individuals to spearhead our ongoing projects and other initiatives so that they may continue and flourish in our absence.  If at all possible we wish to preserve the framework we’ve established, but we’ll respect the will of the vampire community if this isn’t the direction the majority wish to pursue.

Thank you for your support and it’s been our pleasure serving you throughout the past decade.  We hope all of you have a Happy Halloween | Blessed Samhain!

- Merticus & Zero

Suscitatio Enterprises, LLC
Vampire Community News (VCN)
Atlanta Vampire Alliance [AVA]

28 October 2016